In April 2005, plans for a Japanese anime version, Demashita! Powerpuff Girls Z, were announced. The series premiered in Japan the following year, airing each Saturday from July 1 to December 23, 2006, and from January 6 to June 30, 2007. The series deviated from its American predecessor in terms of style, storyline, and characterization, but only minimally retained the essential themes that made the original a success. The characters feature three junior high school students Hyper Blossom, Rolling Bubbles, and Powered Buttercup as the three heroines. I personally think that this version of the series ruined it, because it wasn´t like the original at all. I loved the essence of the program, seeing the three little girls saving the city every time and fighting enemies like mojo jojo. I can´t say much about it because I watched it like twice, but the idea of the powerpuff girls being adolescent and so different from the original didn’t catch my attention.
Back to the
original series, I liked them so much I woke up early to watch it. I even did a
lot of drawings of them when I was little, my mom keeps them and she likes them
a lot. I think the program enhanced the image of woman and I felt identified
with them because I felt like I could do anything. My favorite was Blossom
because she was the leader. I liked professor Utonium because he loved his
little girls a lot and I feel like my father has something in common with him.